If you’re like most parents, you’ll want your child to achieve and maintain a healthy and beautiful smile. When their dentist tells you that your little one needs a pulpotomy procedure in Coral Gables, you’ll want to know what this treatment is all about.
A pulpotomy refers to a modern medical procedure that dentists use to improve the condition of a severely decayed tooth with infected pulp. Since this treatment is usually performed on primary teeth, it’s also known as the “baby root canal.”
Your dentist may discuss sedation options with you to ensure your child’s comfort during the procedure. Most parents choose nitrous oxide sedation, also known as laughing gas, because it’s safe for children. Once your child inhales the colorless and odorless gas through a facemask, they’ll feel calm and relaxed while the dentist works on their tooth.
Next, the dentist will place a protective rubber sheet with a hole over the treatment area. Besides isolating the tooth, the dental dam also prevents the spread of bacteria during the procedure. Moreover, they’ll safely use special equipment to remove the target tooth’s decayed parts.
They’ll use a spoon excavator to remove the dental pulp’s infected parts carefully. Next, the dentist disinfects the remaining parts of the pulp before sealing the tooth with a special putty. Lastly, they’ll place a dental crown or cap over the treated tooth to restore its appearance and function.
The patient must be in stable health. Additionally, the target tooth must be restorable, and its inflamed pulp must be confined to the tooth’s crown.
Here at Premier Pediatric Dentistry, we care for your child like they are our own. We have your little one’s specialized needs in mind. Call us to make an appointment.