Dr. Ashley Rosenbaum
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The Risks of Kids Playing Sports Without Mouth Guards

July 26, 2022

Signing your child up for any sport allows them to make new friends while staying active and healthy. However, sports can also put your little one at risk for injury. Sports injuries account for nearly 40% of children’s dental trauma. For this reason, it’s best to speak with your child’s dentist about getting a mouth guard for children in Coral Gables.

man tries to wear a mouth guard for children in Coral Gables

What Are the Risks of Kids Playing Sports Without Mouth Guards?

Jaw Damage

While jaw injuries are most common in contact sports, mouth guards effectively decrease their severity. This protective oral appliance absorbs the impact energy when they receive a hard blow to the jaw. For this reason, it cushions and reduces the amount of shock their upper and lower jaw can take.

Cracked or Broken Teeth

Although the enamel that covers teeth is the hardest substance in the body, it’s not indestructible. Playing sports without wearing a mouth guard puts your child’s teeth at risk of cracking or breaking when they take a hard blow. Since a mouth guard cushions the impact, it protects your child from serious injuries that may lead to a lifetime of oral health issues.

Lacerated Cheeks and Lips

Teeth are designed to break food into smaller pieces to make them easily digestible. However, keeping teeth uncovered during sports can cause considerable damage to cheeks and lips. A mouth guard protects your soft oral tissues from accidental bites that may puncture the skin.


A concussion is a serious injury caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or the body. Unfortunately, athletes are at risk of getting a concussion. Wearing a mouth guard is one of the best ways to minimize your child’s risk of sustaining a concussion during sports.

woman gives kid an example of pain for not wearing a mouth guard for children in Coral Gables

Where to Find a Top-Quality Mouth for Children

At Premier Pediatric Dentistry, we want to help you keep your child safe while playing the sport they love. Contact us today to make an appointment.

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